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Our Journey to Sustainability

our journey to sustainability BLOG POST macabalm was built upon five grounding pillars that are the brand's foundation and inform every concept, idea and decision we make. They ground us in purpose and define what we stand for and are committed to. One of the most crucial and important pillars of our brand is sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint. It involves upholding sustainable practices within sourcing, formulation, manufacturing and packaging. We want macabalm to be at the forefront of conscious, organic and sustainable beauty - for macabalm to be a brand that asks more of each of us and...

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Achieve Glowing Winter Skin

achieve glowing winter skin BLOG POST As the season changes and the temperature drops, it’s the perfect time to adjust our self-care routine to ensure our skin and body receive the nourishment it deserves. Freezing harsh winds, low humidity levels, and ever-changing indoor temperatures can wreak havoc on our skin, leaving it dull, dehydrated, and irritated. However, with a few simple adjustments, you can maintain a healthy, radiant glow throughout winter. While we may add layers of cozy clothes in the cooler months, it doesn’t mean we should neglect our skin and bodies. Here are our best tips to winter-proof...

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Maca & Coco Granola

maca & coco granola BLOG POST Making your own granola is one of my favourite Sunday activities to set the week up. Not only does it make your week organised, it’s a healthier option for you than store-bought and even better it’s a quick one! This granola was inspired from my craving of toasted Macadamias from a smoothie bowl I had on the coast. Macadamias are full of healthy fats, and have been shown to help lower high cholesterol. Not only will macas benefit your health, they’re also SUPER delicious and addictive! -Nutritionist, Lilly Lloyd Ingredients 1 cup macadamia nuts1 cup rolled...

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In Conversation with SŚAINT PARFUM

in conversation with SŚAINT PARFUM BLOG POST Inspired by their reverence for fragrance and its ethereal qualities and emotive capabilities, we recently sat down with founders and owners Ciara Mahoney and Elle Wallace to talk all things SŚAINT PARFUM. Where did their journey start, what have they learnt along the way, and what memory does their favourite scent evoke. 1. What is SŚAINT PARFUM, and what led you to start your own range of signature scents? We have a mutual passion for all things fragrance. We had both always dreamt of creating our own signature fragrance, as we were always playing...

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Our Packaging Promise

our packaging promise BLOG POST Macabalm was built upon five grounding pillars. They are the foundation of the brand and inform every concept, idea and decision. They ground us in purpose and define what we stand for and what we are committed to. From the very beginning, we have prioritised upholding sustainable practices within sourcing, formulation, manufacturing and packaging. Consciously considering our impact - both environmentally and socially. Packaging was one of our biggest considerations as we worked towards circular solutions - making sure that our packaging was made from materials that do no harm and cause no harm.  ...

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